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How Can We Help...

   Contact Us Diode A.I. – For almost 40 Years, We have been working with Nightclubs, Restaurants, Tradeshows, Martini Bars and Lounges. Helping them Create an Unforgettable experience for every Guest. Who’s kidding who? We are in the Fantasy Business. It is our job in the Entertainment industry to help people escape from their everyday lives. 

   We are Now Available 24/7. It’s Not Just the Store where you can find all the most popular Sound, Light and Video Equipment, But Right Here on Our Contact Us Diode A.I. Page. Hit us up. Drop us a line. See if we can answer your Lighting questions. If we don’t know, we’ll tell you. If we can find the answer, we will. So it never hurts to ask…

   I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been approached by a Club Owner who said,” I just bought a new Light show and it SUCKS”… I always ask “What did you Buy?” And the answer is almost always really good Equipment. So What is the Problem? Sometimes, a new Lightshow just isn’t installed correctly. It’s possible the Installer didn’t do the math before hand and the lights don’t hit the stage. Or, due to design requirements, it’s not posible to put the equipment in the correct position. So then what? 

   9 times out of 10 the problem is Programming or Data related. If the system is just doing weird wacky stuff, like a fixture starting to Strobe all by itself, Chances are there’s a Data Issue. That can be tricky to track down, but not impossible. Hint: Start with the 1st Fixture in the Data Stream and make sure that 1st Fixture works correctly. Then connect the 2nd, and so on…until you come across the bad fixture or CABLE. Cables go bad ya know. It’s not like NASA is making the wire. Even though Electrons travel close to the speed of light(minus the resistance) vibrations, environmental conditions (corrosion) can cause them to fail.

   But Programming is the big issue. Here’s another Hint: When programming Lights, Wherever the starting position is…ie: center dance floor,is the point where all the movement macro’s will pass thru. In a practical term, If your light position starts in the ceiling, when you start the movement, that will also be -in the ceiling.  

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